all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 3XA 38 0 53.472043 -2.88451
L32 3XB 22 0 53.470969 -2.885151
L32 3XD 12 0 53.472167 -2.885959
L32 3XE 42 0 53.469871 -2.886423
L32 3XF 26 0 53.47216 -2.886893
L32 3XG 10 0 53.471463 -2.887556
L32 3XH 32 0 53.471348 -2.886093
L32 3XJ 30 0 53.470396 -2.886058
L32 3XL 24 0 53.471966 -2.886452
L32 3XN 15 0 53.469283 -2.886938
L32 3XP 5 1 53.470788 -2.887633
L32 3XQ 16 0 53.472301 -2.887348
L32 3XR 4 0 53.468697 -2.885962
L32 3XS 14 0 53.468899 -2.885106
L32 3XT 22 0 53.468133 -2.884489
L32 3XU 19 0 53.467588 -2.882806
L32 3XW 17 0 53.470113 -2.887814
L32 3XX 33 0 53.467673 -2.882265
L32 3XY 36 0 53.468178 -2.881989
L32 3XZ 35 0 53.469271 -2.883805